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The Worship of Ram Lala’s Life will Start from Today:-

The phase of religious rituals will start today with Prayashchit and Karma Kuti Puja. The immovable statue of Ramlala will enter the Ram Janmabhoomi complex tomorrow. A tour will be conducted in the Ram Janmabhoomi complex itself. The statue made by sculptor Yogiraj will be installed in the grand temple. For the consecration of life, the idol of God will be settled in 11 ways.

Evening pilgrimage and water journey on 18th January, Jaladhivas and Gandhadhivas. 19th January morning Aushadhivas, Kesaradhivas, Ghritadhivas, and evening Dhanyadhivas. 20th January: Morning sugar season, fruit season, and evening flower season. On 21st January, there will be Madhyadhivas in the morning, and Shavyadhyavas in the evening, thus there will be twelve Adhivas, Ramlala will be present in the grand temple on 22nd January.

Ramlala’s doors will be closed for common devotees from January 20, after Pratistha, Ramlala’s darshan will be available from January 23:

Karma Kuti Puja will be held at the construction site of the idol of Lord Ram Lala, Karma Kuti Puja will start from 9:00 am in Vivek Srishti, Atonement and Karma Kuti Puja will be held at the site of construction of the selected idol of Karnataka sculptor Arun Yogiraj, Ram Cleaning done in Janmabhoomi complex, Bhabya temple washed with Saryu water.

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